The Organizing Committee highly appreciates your contribution of presenting at KSMO 2021.
For your convenience, please find the below information to make sure your experience is successful.
Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
Oral Presentation: Pre-recording Lecture (VOD) & Real-time Q&A via online
2. Presentation Time
Session Type
Allocated Time
Plenary Lecture Luncheon Symposium
40 min. (including Q&A)
Scientific Symposium Joint Symposium Special Symposium
20-25 min. (including Q&A)
Satellite Symposium
30-40 min. (including Q&A)
Oral Discussion
10 min. (including Q&A)
* Q&A: Real-time access after finishing each presentation
except for ASCO/KSMO Joint Symposium 1, Scientific Symposium 9, and Education Session 1.
In-Person Presentation
Pre-recording Lecture (VOD)
3-1. In-Person Presentation
1. Presentation File Format
-As for the aspect ratio of your presentation file (slides), a ratio of 16:9 is recommended.
-Microsoft Office PowerPoint (PPT) 2010 or PDF.
-Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (Special fonts might be changed to a default font.)
-Images should be in JPG, GIF or BMP format.
-Disclosure of COI
To ensure full transparency, it is requested that any conflict of interest (COI) to be openly declared and identified at the beginning (or, end) of every presentation to inform the audience.
Please use the template provided for the declaration of the presence of COI. Every poster presentation should have a similar declaration regarding COI at the bottom of the poster. You can download the template below.
2.The VOD and PPT file name must be ‘Your Presentation Code_Your Name’ ex) PL 1_Jedd WOLCHOK
3.Drag your file or click ‘Add files’ button
*Your presentation code will be sent via e-mail and uploaded to the website.
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
The Organizing Committee highly appreciates your contribution of presenting at KSMO 2021.
Oral Presentation will be uploaded on the KSMO 2021 Virtual Website.
We would like to ask you to remind the below information to make sure your experience successful.
Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
1. How to prepare your Oral Presentation
Presentation preparation
In-person presentation not required
Submission Schedule
Deadline for File Submission
August 4 (Wed), 2021
Review for Award
After the deadline, the Committee will review your submitted presentation file and select awardees. Files submitted after the deadline will not be considered for an award.
Oral Display
Your Oral Presentation will be uploaded on the KSMO 2021 Virtual Website during the conference. (September 2-3, 2021)
File Name
ABST-000000_Presenter Name
2. Details for Pre-recording Lecture (VOD)
1. Presentation File Format
-Please remember to set the screen ratio to 16:9 to meet the screen transmission ratio.
2.The VOD and PPT file name must be ‘‘Your Abstract Number_Your Name’ ex) ABST-0902_Gildong HONG
3.Drag your file or click ‘Add files’ button
*Your presentation code will be sent via e-mail and uploaded to the website.
Guidelines for Poster Presentation
The Organizing Committee highly appreciates your contribution of presenting at KSMO 2021.
Your Poster will be presented onsite and uploaded on the KSMO 2021 Virtual Website.
We would like to ask you to remind the below information to make sure your experience successful.
Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
1. How to prepare your Poster Presentation
Presentation preparation
In-person presentation not required
Submission Schedule
Poster Presentation Submission Open
July 26 (Mon), 2021
Deadline for File Submission
August 4 (Wed), 2021
Review for Award
After the deadline, the Committee will review your submitted presentation file and select awardees. Files submitted after the deadline will not be considered for an award.
Poster display
Your Poster will be presented onsite and uploaded on the KSMO 2021 Virtual Website during the conference. (September 2-3, 2021)
MS-PowerPoint (MS Office 2010, 2013, 2016)
→ Please convert your slides into the PDF with one slide per page. *When you finish your entries in PowerPoint, covert it to PDF by clicking
File -> Export -> Then select PDF format and click on save
Screen Ratio
Number of Slides
Maximum 6 pages
Default font provided by MS Office
First Slide
The following must be included on the first slide of your file : Abstract Title, Presenter’s Name and Co-author's Names, Affiliation and Country.
* Video must not be included.
3. How to upload your Poster Presentation File
File Name
ABST-000000_Presenter Name
Upload The Submission system will be open on July 26 (Mon), 2021
-ID: Presenting author e-mail
-Password: ksmo2021
For inquiries: KSMO 2021 Secretariat
If you have any difficulties with submitting your file, please contact the KSMO 2021 Secretariat.