Abstract Submission Deadline Extended : JUNE 25, 2021 (KST)
Notification of Acceptance : JULY 21, 2021 (KST)
The KSMO 2021 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts. All conference abstracts must be submitted online via the "Online Submission System.“ Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee. The presentation type may possibly be changed following review by the Scientific Committee.
Abstract submission does not constitute registration and presenters are required to register in the conference separately. Please carefully read the guidelines before submitting your abstract.
As we host KSMO 2021 as a Virtual and Onsite Conference, the Oral Presentations & Poster Session will be presented on the Virtual Platform. We expect more international authors to submit and share their research without concern for travel restrictions. Details about presentation formats will be updated soon on the ‘Presentation Guidelines Page.’
Important Dates
-Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: June 25, 2021 (KST)
-Notification of Abstract Acceptance: JULY 21, 2021 (KST)
-Deadline for Presenting Author Registration: AUGUST 5, 2021 (KST)
Steps for Abstract Submission
Step 1Click the Abstract Submission button
Step 2Sign up or Log in
Step 3Fill out Participant Info and Click “Add”
Step 4Complete Abstract Submission and Author Info Section
Step 5Save and Review until the submission deadline
* You can submit abstracts with the same log-in ID/PW from your participation in KSMO 2019 and 2020.
* After submission, you can review and modify your abstracts at 'My page-Abstract Submission'.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
-Abstracts must be written in clear English and submitted prior to June 25, 2021 (KST).
-Abstracts should be no more than 2,600 characters for the total of abstract body, not including abstract title, author names and institutions.
-No tables, graphs or images are allowed.
-The abstract should be objective and concise, including key information in its four sections: Background, Method, Results, and Conclusion.
-Authors may further edit and modify submitted abstracts until the submission deadline.
-Research work to be presented should be original and not already published as a full paper. The content of the abstract may have been presented at another prior meeting, but you are encouraged to add new information/data.
-It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
-Authors have the option of choosing their presentation type (oral presentation or poster). However, the scientific program committee will make the final decision after review.
-If you want to modify or review your abstract, you can do at '‘My page-Abstract Submission'.
-The right to publish your abstract is granted to the KSMO 2021 Organizing Committee.
-Presenting authors must register for the conference through the website by August 5, 2021 (KST).
Submission Category
Discovery of Novel Targets
Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers
Molecular Targeted Therapy
Functional Genomics
Progress in Precision Medicine
Cutting edge of Immuno-Oncology
Multidisciplinary/Multicenter Clinical Trial
Innovation of Clinical Trials
Innovative Technology in Oncology
Real-World Data Science
Regulatory Science
Translational Research
Tumor Biology
Breast Cancer
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Genitourinary Cancer
Gynecologic Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Lung cancer
Melanoma/Skin Cancers
Oncology Nursing
Oncology Pharmacy
Palliative/Supportive Care
Notification of Acceptance
-All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee according to standard review procedures.
-Abstract acceptance will be notified by email to presenting authors on the notification date.
-Outstanding abstracts will receive the award! For further details, please refer to the Awards page.
Withdrawal of Abstracts
-If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the pre-registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
-If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the KSMO 2021 Secretariat (info@ksmoconference.org) by email as soon as possible.